
Haskap Berry Coarse Salt


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This salt is gorgeous! Infused with the flavour and colour of the delicious Haskap berry, you'll love the tart saltiness and the beauty it adds to any dish. Try it as a cocktail rim, top a baked brie or roasted potato, spark up a salad or a sliced apple - the possibilities are endless. I've added a touch of wild foraged Yukon juniper berries for their sharp and fragrant counterpoint to the Haskap berries. As delicious as it is beautiful, this French sea salt is something you must try!

The Haskaps were grown on our farm in Tagish Yukon. Haskap are brave little bushes that overwinter at -45 and manage to outwit the moose who are always snuffling under the snow in search of berry bush wood to munch. They are tough and they are absolutely delicious. Pick a few berries and you'll understand why this salt has such an intense colour! With a flavour something like a blueberry but more tart, we love them in the north of Canada.
