Black Garlic & Cracked Pepper Sea Salt
This coarse grey sea salt is richly flavoured with the essence of sweet and nutty black garlic and freshly roasted cracked black peppercorns. Black garlic has a delicious and surprising flavour - all the sharp heat you'd expect in a head of garlic is magically transformed to buttery soft caramel nuttiness, thanks to the mailard reac reaction. Many people call it fermented garlic although that's not quite accurate, but whatever you call it, it's incredible!
This infused salt blend offers you the perfect combination of salt, garlic and pepper, and you'll reach for it every day. Fill a spice grinder or use it coarse, as is, to season your steaks or sauces, roasted potatoes, eggs... you see where I'm going, right? You'll want to use it on all the things, all the time, and you should.
60 gram resealable packet