Hot Cheechako Taco Seasoning
What's a Cheechako? Famed author Jack London came north to the Yukon in 1897, during the wild days of the Klondike Gold Rush. In his story "To Build a Fire", he says: "He was a newcomer in the land, a chechaquo, and this was his first winter." In the Yukon even now, if you're new to life north of the 60th parallel, you're a Cheechako.
This seasoning would have warmed the naive gold seeker in London's story! A delicious blend of southwestern spices with a touch of chipotle & jalapeño peppers, it will make your Taco Tuesday a celebration and add some delicious flavour and zing to your fajitas. Nothing weird in this taco seasoning; unlike many national brands, you'll find no questionable additives, just delicious ingredients for some great cooking! Resealable 40gram packet.